how-to-use-social-norms-marketing-to-prevent-driving-after-drinking_most-of-us-toolkitSocial Norms in seven simple steps. An essential primer for all health promotion practitioners.

Whether you are a newcomer to the field or have been running a program for years, the MOST of Us Toolkit is for you. Full of tips, examples, insights and information, the Toolkit shares the lessons MOST of Us has learned (often the hard way) about how to run a successful social norms marketing campaign.

While it contains specific guidance on driving after drinking, you’ll find the Toolkit is relevant to social norms work on any topic.

With step-by-step guidelines based on the Montana Model of Social Norms Marketing, this Toolkit offers clear, detailed information on how you can use social norms marketing to promote healthy behavior of all kinds.

1 copy: $24.95 S&H: $5.00
2-25 copies: $23.95 each S&H: $10.00
26-50 copies: $22.95 each S&H: $25.00
51-100 copies: $21.95 each S&H: $40.00

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